viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

The Romans

Image result for romans
Important NOTE: Open a word document and write down a diary of the tasks you do, this means what tasks have you done, what reults you had on the tests and the answers to written questions of task 3, then post it on your group blog.


1. Watch Monty Pythons sketch first and read the script

2. Now read the following information and design a quiz about it on Kahoot. (user, password: tallada1)

3. Now read the text  about Roman roads and answer the questions

4. Quiz on Roman's way of life

5. Watch videos on the Romans and write a summary. 

Some printables about History

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Harry Potter

Important NOTE: Open a word document and write down a diary of the tasks you do, this means what tasks have you done, what reults you had on the tests and the answers to written questions which have no on-line correction.

2. Movie Trailer and Quiz
3. Quizz
4. Video Movie review Listening Quiz

The Hunger Games

Important NOTE: Open a word document and write down a diary of the tasks you do, this means what tasks have you done, what reults you had on the tests and the answers to written questions 

1.Read the book online

2. listen to chapter one: 

3. Video Quiz

4. Quizz 2
5. Quizz 3: who are you in the Hunger Games?
6. Game

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Cells Alive

Important NOTE: Open a word document and write down a diary of the tasks you do, this means what tasks have you done, what reults you had on the tests and the answers to written questions 

1. Watch the videos: what are they about?

2. Look at the interactive lesson Cells Alive

3. Test your knowledge: Quizes
